An ecclectic selection of related sites.
Site Description Link
British Society of Comedy Writers Friendly organisation promoting excellence in comedy and light entertainment.
Centricview New-media consultancy targeting internet, mobile and digital TV platforms.
Challenge TV  Web site of the UK game show cable channel.
Constable Robinson Publisher of popular hardback and paperback books.
Cranium Play the board game where everyone gets a chance to show off.
Digital Spy News and views on various UK broadcast media stories.
Grey Labyrinth Lavishly illustrated graphical puzzles.
Lionhead Computer games company, home of games such as Black and White.
PhoneSpell See what words your phone number makes on a touch-tone dial.
Puzzlemakers Puzzle compilation company, specialising in magazine puzzles such as logic problems and quizzes.
Rudiments of Wisdom Tim Hunkin's cartoon encyclopedia of science. Information for devisors and writers of TV programme ideas.
UK Game Show Page Everything you wanted to know about game shows and then some.
Vector Park Hugely enjoyable interactive Flash animations.


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